Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written in so long life has just been very hectic over Christmas and New Year with going home and visiting family jumbled in with revising for the dreaded January exams!
I just wanted to let you all know that for my 4th year dissertation at uni I have decided to actually write about blogging and vlogging and the beauty community. Its a little different to everyone else's choices, seems a bit wild and out there but I am so excited to get started as the blogger/vlogger community is something I am so passionate about. I love how everyone is so friendly and always supporting each other and their work; it is a truly unique online experience in my eyes that is overlooked by scholars, so I thought why not introduce them to the many possibilities blogging/vlogging has to offer!.
As part of my dissertation research I have created a survey just to get an idea of what all motivates you to create your content and what inspires you all the most. It is seven questions and if any of you can spare a few moments to complete it I will be more than grateful! Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WRTT6H3 and again thank you so much for your time!
Next week I will be posting a Christmas gift haul so keep your eyes peeled!
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